
Hyperlocal works with public art, architecture, urbanism, and landscape. Hyperlocal engages in design research while working on architectural projects with like-minded individuals around the world.

Hyperlocal is based in New York City and Houston.

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Hyperlocal works with public art, architecture, urbanism, and landscape. Managed by Zhicheng Xu, Hyperlocal engages in design research while working on architectural projects with like-minded individuals around the world.

Hyperlocal is based in Boston and Houston

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Location: Fly Ranch, Nevada
Status: Ongoing

︎ Final Report
"Lodgers" represents a series of land art installations commissioned for Fly Ranch.The project delves into the intricate interplay between contemporary building practices and indigenous land-based environmental wisdom. With a diverse range of land art installations, this project serves as an exploration of the potential integration or tension that arises when these two approaches converge on the land. Furthermore, these installations also serve as vital environmental enrichment infrastructure for the desert flora and fauna of northern Nevada.

Art and Architecture are often confined by a human-centric perspective. This project explores an alternative vision for environmental stewardship and art where human interventions are not placed above the biosphere and geosphere. In this case, art is a medium to foster kinship between humans and our other-than-human neighbors – a device that lives and decays with the environment over time rather than alter it irrevocably – and a catalyst for enriching biodiversity and environmental education.